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Christian Leadership Alliance

Missing God’s Intent By R. Scott Rodin

What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? All their days their work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless. A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own…

Christian Leadership Alliance

A Closer Look at God-honoring Teamwork By Bill Frisby

In our rapidly changing world the days of the heroic, lone-ranger CEO are over. Today, teamwork is the byword in executive leadership. It’s a necessity for any ministry serious about advancing the kingdom. A few years ago, we at Strengthening Leaders, spoke with the board vice chairman of a well-known international ministry as he was…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Is Great the Enemy of Godly? By Mike Bonem

“Good is the enemy of great,” according to Jim Collins in the well-known opening line of Good to Great. Collins’s best-selling book has been a favorite guide for business leaders and has been equally influential for many leaders outside of business, including those in the church. I am one of those leaders who have been…

Saying “I do” to Workplace Peace By Wendi Dykes

Good leaders in the workplace are also expected to love, honor, cherish, and effectively communicate through crisis and conflict. It is no wonder conflict in organizations is so difficult to understand. When it comes right down to it, we may feel that we’re asked to adhere to similar levels of respect and commitment with those…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Are You Leading from the ‘Right-side’ Up? By Scott Rodin

The more I read, study and write about the steward leader, the more often I find myself scratching my head and saying, “really?” This is pretty radical stuff. And as such, the more we seek to embrace the call to be steward leaders fully, the more we will be considered rather strange people.  That’s because,…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Leading Gen Y and The Lessons Learned By Holly Moore

Several weeks ago, I watched our young staff at Growing Leaders — the nonprofit organization I help lead — host a significant event for educators. It was rewarding to see them embody our core values, serving with excellence. I smiled inside, reflecting on learning to lead them and modeling the way. Investing in the college…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Is Steward Leadership Different than Servant Leadership? By Dr. Kent R. Wilson

Although deeply rooted in Judeo-Christian heritage, the first formal application of servanthood to leadership appeared in 1970 with the writings of Robert Greenleaf. A Quaker by background, Greenleaf introduced the idea of servant leadership while a manager at AT&T. Greenleaf defined it as follows: “Who is the servant-leader? The servant-leader is the servant first. […]…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Leading in Digital Babylon By David Kinnaman

Our team at Barna continues to explore today’s generation of younger Christians, the vitality of churches and nonprofits, and the tsunami of cultural change around us. I am convinced that we are facing an era of ministry that might be described as digital Babylon: an immersive, reality-redefining experience driven by ubiquitous access to interconnected screens…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Confidence in Knowing and Not Knowing By Mark L. Vincent

A Steward Leader knows they do not know everything. The designation of Steward Leader is becoming more widely known. The Steward Leader believes they are granted trust for the welfare of the organization they serve and all who connect to it. The Steward Leader, therefore, takes the long view of personal and organizational transformation. They are…

Christian Leadership Alliance

One Way to Invest in Your Leadership Development with Billy Burnett

A Commitment to Leadership and Learning If you are a nonprofit ministry leader, what are you intentionally doing to invest in your own leadership development? Enrolling in the Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) premier experience known as the Credentialed Christian Nonprofit Leader (CCNL) program is one way to invest wisely in your leadership growth. Designed to…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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