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Discover How Vision Births Legacy By Alex McElroy

How do you pursue a vision that leaves a legacy? Do you long to see your vision be completed? If so, you must long for someone to carry on your legacy. True leaders see their vision as more important than themselves. Therefore, true leaders long to see their vision come to fulfillment even if they…

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What’s Your Reputation By R. Scott Rodin

When Our Reputation Becomes a Stumbling Block Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of men.…

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Gratitude by Jon Lewis

  Do you have an attitude of gratitude?   Sometimes it is challenging to find and keep an attitude of gratitude. Right after Christmas, my wife broke her leg in a skiing accident. Thanks to a novice snowboarder who ran into her on our first run down the mountain, my wife found herself with a…

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A Steward leader in the Storm by Andrea Leigh Capuyan

How does a steward leader encounter the storm? The storm is raging all around me, and it is raging in me. How can God remain so still? Is he sleeping and unaware? How am I supposed to continue steering this boat when the strong winds blow? Even in the midst of chaos, we remain stewards.…

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Winning Goals – Part Two By Dr. Daniel Hallak

  The Heart of Winning Goals – Part Two Decades of research tells us that that goals are a powerful motivational force for winning. The deeper challenge is how to set the right goals and orient our hearts to put effort toward the things that matter most. When we set goals and take action, we…

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Lionel Mayell: Great Doors with Little Hinges By Ney Bailey

Did you know that great doors swing on little hinges? I’ve heard it said, “Great doors swing on little hinges’ and at 5’2″, Lionel Mayell was a “little hinge.” Lionel had a huge impact on Christianity in the last century (and into the present day)—perhaps more than anyone else. Lionel Mayell I choke up when…

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What Does Christian Really Mean? By Mark L Vincent

When an organization says it is “Christian,” it is quickly unclear whether it means: FOR Christians? BY Christians? FROM Christians? It gets further muddied by whether it is a B2B for other “Christian” entities, whether it is a ministry, service, or business, whether it primarily focuses on the Great Commission (evangelism) or the Great Commandment…

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Know Why Your Words Matter By Scott Brown

  As Christian leaders our words matter. As leaders, the words we use matter. They can promote unity or stoke division, encourage or discourage, build up or tear down. The Apostle Paul captured the importance of our words in this admonition to the Colossian church: Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most…

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Leadership and Legacy By Alex McElroy

  Hamilton Provides A Lesson On Leadership And Legacy I recently had the opportunity to watch the brilliant theater production, “Hamilton”, and it  spoke profoundly of leadership and legacy. In awe of brilliant singing, rapping, acting and choreography, it would be easy to miss the brilliant nuggets of information that are peppered throughout the musical.…

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Align with the Father By Howard Rich

Stewards Align with the Father When I confess my failures as a follower of Christ, I am comforted by Psalm 103:12 which says, “as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”  The comfort only comes when I go to the Father, confess my failure, ask…

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