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I Belong By Ed McDowell

I Belong and So Do You Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Psalms 73:23-‬24 NLT The desire to belong is part of every person. We are designed to belong to God, living in a relationship with the creator…

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How to Deal with Heartbreak and Burdens By Ed McDowell

Time to Cope with Heartbreak and Burdens Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. Psalms 55:22 NLT Some of the most difficult burdens leaders face are the ones that strike closest to home and leadership. Betrayal, broken trust, deception,…

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Find His Care During the Battles By Ed McDowell

The Strong Care of God During the Battles The words of Psalm 68 come from a king who has fought in many battles with enemies.  King David has seen the Lord God deliver.  As King, he has come to know firsthand the critical nature of trusting God in the context of overwhelming circumstances. He writes…

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Let the Holy Spirit Lead By Ed McDowell

Let the Holy Spirit Lead Please! Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another. Galatians 5:25–26 NLT As leaders, we know what it is like to live in our…

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Generous Refreshment By Ed McDowell

A Season of Generous Refreshment The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. ~ Proverbs 11:25 The sweetest refreshment experienced is always associated with generosity.  Stop and think about the times of refreshment in your own life, examine the details of that refreshment and you will find generosity flowing through the…

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Unprecedented By Ed McDowell

Leadership in  Unprecedented Times We are living and leading in a very unique time with unprecedented challenges. The Challenges (1) A pandemic with life and death implications.  In a few short months this pandemic has completely altered the way we live and function. It is changing the way we functionally lead and serve. (2) A…

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A Prayer of Trust and Commitment By Ed McDowell

A Prayer and Commitment to Trust God In God, we trust. Today Christian Leadership Alliance launches the Outcomes Conference Digital Experience 2020. We open this event in prayer and voice our full and complete trust in God.  We are grateful for the beautiful prayer submitted by Ed McDowell. It expresses well the heart and desire…

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The Focused Leader in Crisis By Ed McDowell

  What should you be focused on during a crisis? Focus is essential in times of crisis. I met with an executive coach and asked one question, “What should I, as a ministry CEO, be focused on in the middle of this crisis?”  Based on our conversation here are a few points of focus for…

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Leading in Crisis By Ed McDowell

Leading in a Challenging Time of Crisis We are in a very challenging time of crisis.  Life as we knew it, has changed dramatically and abruptly thanks to a new threat, COVID-19.  The changes are substantial and rapid, with each day bringing about another set of variables and new information requiring rapid responses from leaders…

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