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The Next Generation of Faithful Supporters

Next Generation of Faithful Supporters By Lauren Crawford

Share your passion: bringing up the next generation of faithful supporters This past summer, I was fortunate enough to acquire tickets to the PGA Championship in Charlotte. My husband and I made plans to go for the day and our 4-year-old son would spend the day with his grandparents. While our son was having a…

The Outcomes Conference 2018: IMPACT

What's Impact Got to Do With It?

Impact has a lot to do with you. Faith-based nonprofits have visions and missions that guide the ‘why and how’ of their desired impact. If you serve in one, then perhaps you already recognize the significance of your leadership and your personal impact when it comes to achieving the ministry’s mission. United  Christian Leadership Alliance…

The Outcomes Conference 2018: IMPACT

Expand Your Kingdom Impact

How will you expand your Kingdom IMPACT? You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same…

Last Day to Register and Save!

YES – It’s the last day to register and save! Early registration for The Outcome Conference ends today – January 31, 2017 at midnight.

Empowered Momentum By Tami Heim

Holy Spirit Empowered Momentum By Tami Heim~ In the book of Acts, we see God at work in powerful ways. We feel the incredible momentum of the gospel of Jesus Christ advancing through the work of the Apostles. Despite adversity, the Holy Spirit empowered the momentum of the early church and Christ’s great work in…

Momentum: The Force

MOMENTUM: The force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passes For Christian leaders, these are times of both unique challenge and powerful opportunity. But in the midst of the challenges, God is moving hearts. The gospel is bearing fruit. Physical needs are being met. Lives are being changed.…

Go Viral By Dan Glaze

Why is it so important to make your ministry go viral? By Dan Glaze ~ I believe that when we get to Heaven there will be a very special place for the martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the Gospel. And sometimes I jokingly tell my friends who are in the…

Find the Best Digital Giving Solution By Leighton Cusack

Discover how to find the best digital giving solution for your church. By Leighton Cusack ~ Digital giving is more important to churches than ever before. In the 21st century, not having a digital giving solution is like not accepting cash offerings. Chances are your church already knows that and you’re facing this question: Which…

Equipped and United

The Outcomes Conference 2016 has come to an end and leaders have been equipped and united as one alliance with one shared outcome – to transform the world for Christ. Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) is grateful for the amazing faculty (Alliance members), exhibitors, and volunteers that make this event happen every year. Their passion and commitment…

Digital Donor Acquisition By Lindsey Lind and Carol Patterson

Digital Donor Acquisition – It Matters! By Lindsey Lind  and Carol Patterson ~ Many nonprofits expect to lose over 60% of their first time donors. For many of us, this statement is a frightening reality of our role within development. Ultimately, God has everything under His control and it’s through His plan that the dollars…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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