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Christian Leadership Alliance

5 Characteristics of a Steward Leader By Kent R. Wilson

Steward leaders have their roots as far back as in ancient Greece, Rome, and Israel, where stewards ran most of the commercial enterprises, estates, farms, and even political services. They were given considerable latitude and freedom to manage the business or estate with the trust and confidence of the owner. A steward leader is someone…

Christian Leadership Alliance

5 Stories Every Fundraiser Must Learn to Tell By Ron Frey

Every fundraiser knows that a compelling story told extremely well is what makes your cause real to people. Stories help us influence donors to express their love for God and others through generosity. Yet how do you tell the same story repeatedly without evoking a yawn from your donors? A child is fed and clothed.…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Weekend Words of Wisdom #10

 Be A Coach The success of any organization will largely depend on whether the leader has chosen the right people for the right jobs, just like a coach forming a team.  Once the right people are on the team, a coach helps them succeed by allowing them the freedom to use their gifts. Jesus is…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Finding The Freedom to Lead in the Dirt By Scott Rodin

Sometimes the most profound insights come to us in the simplest forms. Remember The One Minute Manager, Who Moved My Cheese, and the insights from Jim Collins that included The Hedgehog, The Flywheel, and the Big Hairy Audacious Goal? Many of us in Christian leadership believe that the Steward Leader is the most powerful biblical…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Got Alignment? By Tom Okarma

If you stop to think about it, leaders can significantly increase the impact of their nonprofit agencies without spending an extra dime. Say what? Let’s say your agency has: Experienced leadership-CHECK! A clear and compelling strategic plan-CHECK! The respect and support of the community where you operate-CHECK! A hardworking board and staff-CHECK! A cadre of loyal and…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Weekend Words of Wisdom #9

Go Deep As I think of my own life and the counsel I would give to younger leaders, one foundational issue rises above all others – be a man or woman who goes deep in the word of God regularly and persistently. This practice goes far beyond formal training. it is marked by the study…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Fundraising: Instinct vs Insight By Andrew Olsen

As a fundraiser you’ll have many people offer suggestions on how best to do your job.  Well-intentioned board members, executive directors, program staffers, volunteers, and supporters will, at one time or another, probably all give you suggestions (requested or not). Most of these suggestions are based on instinct.  Unless the person making the suggestion is…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Weekend Words of Wisdom #8

Encourage the Heart Without encouragement and celebration, leaders would be missing the critical relationship with their followers. An encouraging word, a visit, or notes of support or recognition are all tools of a leader who desires a transformational relationship with his or her followers. Celebrations are important and an essential ingredient to organizational health. However,…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Weekend Words of Wisdom #7

Lead All The Time When you are the leader, all you have to do is walk into a room and the eyes turn to you to start the meeting, approve the agenda, offer or assign the opening prayer, manage the progression of topics, review the action steps, and disband. You may have delegated such responsibilities…

Christian Leadership Alliance

3 Keys for Building Engagement by Sherry Surratt

How do you get people to engage with your parachurch ministry, church, or business? Whether getting people in the pew or finding clients for your service, it is all about relationships. Here are a few relationship lessons we’ve learned at Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) International over nearly 40 years of ministry: 1. Get Them in…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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