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Stewards of creation

Stewarding Our Relationship with Creation By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Stewards Care for God’s Creation Among the four fundamental relationships that stewards must nurture—our relationships with God, ourselves, others, and creation—our relationship with creation is often neglected. As image-bearers of God, we are entrusted with the privilege and responsibility of caring for His creation. Genesis 1:26-28 commands us to multiply and sustain the earth’s resources,…

Proxy voting

Proxy Voting and the Erroneous Implications By Richard Todd

Proxy Voting and What Christians Must Understand Proxy voting is the delegation to cast a ballot on behalf of a shareholder. Most shareholders do not attend board meetings and delegate that responsibility. Shareholders and their proxies have typically voted on myriad issues: executive compensation, board of directors make-up, budget, mergers, and bylaws. However, with greater…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Finding Alignment By Ed Fry

Recruiting Leaders Who Demonstrate Alignment In the complex terrain of executive search, faith-based organizations face a unique challenge: securing leaders who are deeply aligned with their core values and mission. The success of such organizations hinges not just on leadership competence but also on a profound alignment with the ethos they uphold. The Unique Struggle…

Strategic plan and the steward leader

A Strategic Plan and the Steward Leader By Dr. Al Hearne II

A Steward’s Relationship with God and a Strategic Plan Today’s blog is the second in a series for steward leaders. The first blog, The Importance of Strategic Planning in All Areas of the Steward Leader’s Life, described a six-phase strategic planning process that is easy to follow, quickly adapted, and flexible in implementation. This blog…

Attune with God

Attune to God’s Guidance By Tracy Mathews

Attune and Tap in the Source How attuned are you? Do you struggle with insecurity, irritability, or being overwhelmed by your leadership? Do you face toxic relationships, uncertainties, or challenges you are unsure how to address? If you’re reading this post, I guess that you’re likely to believe that, through faith in Jesus, we have…


Purpose-Driven Impact By Brittané Dodwell

Inspiring Purpose-Driving Teams There is power when teams are inspired by achieving a purposed-driven impact. It takes intentionality and a focused team to unleash it. The fundraising world is fast-paced and ever-evolving as means and methods for donor communications and engagements change. So it’s easy to get lost in the laundry list of deliverables, strategies,…

Two questions that determine your life as a leader

Two Questions for Every Leader By R. Scott Rodin

The Questions and the Answers that Define Your Life In the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender, Prince Zuko‘s uncle confronts him at a pivotal moment in the movie. His questions to the young prince are penetrating: “I’m begging you, Prince Zuko. It’s time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big…

JOY - the kind that you can bring to others!

Be a Joy Bringer By Ron Haas

Bring Joy to Your Donors On the subject of joy, perhaps you’ve seen this funny poster,  Major donor work involves face-to-face visits in people’s homes or offices. We all bring joy to our donors, but is it when we arrive or leave? Are they glad to welcome you or hide behind the curtains, hoping you…

The Epidemic of Procrastination

The Eleventh-Hour Epidemic By Zándra Bishop

Procrastination is a Potential Epidemic Imagine a busy city at the peak of rush hour—streets buzzing with activity, people scurrying from building to building, and the air charged with a palpable sense of urgency. This scene mirrors the atmosphere in many organizations today, where waiting until the last minute has become a common practice. The…

The Truth about Control

Control By Ed McDowell

The Truth About Control In one verse, God’s word gives us the truth about control.  There are two sources of control, a focus of control, and two very different outcomes. “So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” Romans 8:6…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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