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Purpose or Assignment By Ron Frey

God’s Purpose or My Assignment? The guest speaker at church shocked me with this statement: “God has not given you a purpose in life!” You could hear a pin drop as we waited for the next line. He repeated it for emphasis. “You do not have a God-given life purpose!” As he explained how trying…

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Trust and Funding By Randy Brewer

Securing Trust and Funding in a Secular World As a fellow leader of a faith-first organization, I understand and feel the challenges that you are facing every day. The secular world is becoming more antagonistic to your mission. And even the faith-based communities can be somewhat fractured in their values and response to Christian outreach.…

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God’s Vision of His Church with Dr. Derwin L. Gray

God’s “Revelation 7:9″ Vision of His Church   In this episode from The Outcomes Conference 2018,  Dr. Derwin L. Gray begins with the Gospel as a framework that leads to God’s “Revelation 7:9″  vision of his Church. After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from…

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How Will You Pass the Baton? By Howard Rich

Passing the Baton as a Steward Leader Those of us with leadership responsibilities often talk about replacing ourselves, empowering others to lead, and passing the leadership baton to the next generation.  Recently, I was challenged to think about whether I had a leadership baton to pass on, and if so, what is that baton.  The…

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An Acts 10 Moment With Danielle Strickland

An Acts 10 Moment: Peter’s Born Again, Again Experience In this episode from The Outcomes Conference 2018, Danielle Strickland gives fresh focus to the tenth chapter of Acts. She takes us back to the time when Peter is on the rooftop and receives a vision from God that comes with peculiar directions. What Peter receives…

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Solomon and Leadership By Paul Swamidass

Lead with Solomon-like Wisdom Wise decisions by leaders could be a blessing as evidenced by the decisions of King Solomon. One of  his famous decisions as well as the process he used to arrive at that decision are offered in the Bible as an example of Solomon’s wisdom. That example has stood the test of…

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Prayer: The Practice of Stewardship By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

 How is prayer a practice of stewardship? When thinking about cultivating a deeper commitment to stewardship in life, often the practice of generosity directs growth and forward movement. Generosity does cultivate stewardship. Yet, the practice of generosity and selflessness is not enough. There is more for a steward’s daily life and practice. Generosity and hospitality…

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How to Beat Pride in Giving By John Rinehart

5 Ways to Beat Pride in Giving In scripture we often see the contract between pride and humility. Someday in the hallways of heaven, I believe Nebuchadnezzar and Mary will meet. The man who built Babylon and its famous hanging gardens will run into the woman spoken of across millennia as “a virgin pledged to…

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Not-for-Profit Accounting and Reporting Issues By Brown and Jakosz

3 Key Not-for-Profit Accounting and Reporting Issues There have been many changes in not-for-profit accounting and auditing standards recently, along with other reporting developments and considerations. Here’s a look at three of the most significant issues your organization should be aware of. Non-financial Gifts-in-Kind Many not-for-profit organizations rely on donations of nonfinancial gifts-in-kind (GIK) —…

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Discover How Vision Births Legacy By Alex McElroy

How do you pursue a vision that leaves a legacy? Do you long to see your vision be completed? If so, you must long for someone to carry on your legacy. True leaders see their vision as more important than themselves. Therefore, true leaders long to see their vision come to fulfillment even if they…

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