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The Outcomes Conference 2020

The Power of God to Transform

Seize this opportunity to allow God to transform your leadership! Christian Leadership Alliance presents The Outcomes Conference 2020 – TRANSFORM. The Scripture that inspires this year’s theme can be found in Romans 12:1-3: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing…

Time to unify the team!

Unifying the Team By Rick Garris

Bring Your Team Together – United in Purpose Let’s say you are tasked with a huge organizational objective for your team. You are given a short time to accomplish it, and are provided with a team of people from all over the country with varied backgrounds and skills. With no best practices to follow, or…

Invest and equip your leaders for MORE!

Equip Your Employees By Roby Walker

Equip Your Employees by Investing in Them The dictionary defines the word “equip” as “to make ready… to furnish for service or action by appropriate provisioning.” Equipping is the what. But how you equip varies by each individual and can be overwhelming to think about. Generational Differences And perhaps the best starting point is to…

The changing workplace!

Change and the Workplace By Dr. Paul White

Understanding Change in the Workplace The biggest change to the workplace in the last decade has been the influx of millions of younger employees and the exodus of older generations. This shift has had a dynamic effect on the look, feel, and structure of workplace culture. Recent employee engagement surveys have found that employee satisfaction…

Intentional Development of Female Leaders

Developing Women for Leadership By Dr. Halee Gray Scott

The Intentional Development of Millennial Women for Leadership In the 21st century, we are inclined to think that there are no unknown territories, no frontiers left uncharted for women. Yet, when Christian nonprofit organizations seek to equip millennial women for leadership, they are embarking, like Lewis and Clark, on a journey into terra incognita. The…

Mentoring the next generation of leaders is an art.

Mentoring Next Generation Leaders by Dr. Tim Elmore

There is an art to mentoring next generation leaders. I just got off the phone with a business friend who was sharing about next generation leaders. He and I chuckled over an interview he’d just conducted with a recent college graduate. The candidate was a bright and overconfident female who told him in the midst…

What are you becoming?

I Am Still Becoming By Alex McElroy

Becoming is a process. It is not always clear what something is becoming until it has already become. Recently, my daughter has been learning about life cycles in school. She was enthralled each day to report back the progress – the egg became larvae (caterpillar), then it entered the pupa stage (chrysalis), and finally the…

The Reflection of God

Seeing the Reflection of God By Larry Gadbaugh

The Weird and Wonderful Reflection of God My son and I had bounced out to our local grocery store to pick up a few items. As usual we encountered fellow shoppers with bedhead hair, profanity-laced sweatshirts, PJs, face and body piercings, and outfits designed to display as many of their tattoos as possible. My hometown’s unofficial…

Stewards prepare future leaders for success!

How to Prepare for Future Success by Howard Rich

Stewards educate, equip, and empower others for future success. A test for a leader is how well she prepared her organization and people for success after she is no longer around.  A thoughtful leader will make sure she has a well thought-out and strategically implemented exit plan.  As much as we want to believe we…

Rest is a Weapon

Rest is a Weapon By Beth Guckenberger

  Rest is a Weapon: Saying Yes to Still I was asked by one of my pastors to teach one Sunday in a series called “What Jesus Invites Us to.” I readily agreed. Then they said my Sunday would cover “Jesus Invites Us into Rest,” and I laughed out loud. The Struggle to Rest I…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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