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Mentoring transforms cultures

Mentoring Transforms Cultures By Dr. Liz Selzer

Yes, mentoring transforms cultures! By Dr. Liz Selzer You have an organizational culture. It began the day your organization did. Whether you have carefully cultivated it or you have passively allowed it to develop, you have an existing culture. You and the people in your organization all bring perceptions, attitudes, values, learned behaviors, dreams and…

Equipped and United

The Outcomes Conference 2016 has come to an end and leaders have been equipped and united as one alliance with one shared outcome – to transform the world for Christ. Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) is grateful for the amazing faculty (Alliance members), exhibitors, and volunteers that make this event happen every year. Their passion and commitment…

Improve Your Ministry's Health By Lee Ellis

Now is the time to take courage, and improve your ministry’s health! By Lee Ellis – As a church or para-church ministry, sometimes the primary focus of the organization is on financial health and sustainability because it’s so critical to future impact. However in looking deeper, a healthy leadership and team culture should really be…

Organizational Unity By Vicki Harris

By Vicki Harris~ Success  happens if you have organizational unity and everyone is working towards the same mission and goals. It is the true essence of Christianity and a dynamic example of how unity and humility will bring continued blessings. Creating and maintaining unity takes a great deal of effort. We are committed to do all…

Spiritual Transformation By Jeff Jones

By Jeff Jones ~ The role of the ministry workplace includes the spiritual transformation of those who serve the ministry. Maybe you have heard a colleague say something like:  “This isn’t the place for my spiritual growth; that’s for my church life.” While I understand this argument, I believe it is shortsighted. The ministry workplace…

The Mentoring Tree by Leighton Ford

By Leighton Ford A veteran missionary once described “banyan tree leadership.” Too many leaders, he said, are like the spreading Indian banyan tree, so thick it does not let the sun through to nourish the seedlings underneath. Senior leaders can take up so much space and oxygen they don’t allow others to flourish. In contrast…

Give It To Me Straight By Sara Nagelvoort Marlin

By Sara Nagelvoort Marlin There are merits to candor in the Christian workplace, especially when we have the courage to say, “Give it to me straight.’ Last year I transitioned from the corporate world to a Christian nonprofit, realizing a life-long dream to apply my love for marketing and communications to a wonderful ministry. I…

Do You Have a Clear Perspective? By Tami Heim

By Tami Heim As a leader, do you have a clear perspective? What weight do you put on the past, the present, and the future? How does your assignment of importance shape the way you see things and the actions that follow? Do you even know? For many… The past provides a foundation for context,…

Jesus as Leader and Mentor By Tami Heim

By Tami Heim There is much we can learn from Jesus as leader and mentor. Jesus modeled teaching and mentoring after he called the first disciples to follow him. He connected with them where they were and shared a greater possibility of them transforming into “fishers of men.”  The Scriptures detail how Jesus deeply invested…

The Inner Core of Leadership

There are times in life when it is wise to seek out another leader to help you strengthen the inner core of leadership that is taking shape in you. In the book, Nonprofit Leadership in a For-Profit World, Melinda Delahoyde wrote about strengthening the inner core of leadership and then specifically identified essential leadership characteristics.…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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