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Take a Rest
To enter God’s rest . . . means to enjoy the perfect, unshakable confidence of salvation in our Lord. We have no more reason to fear. We have absolute trust and confidence in God’s power and care.—John MacArthur Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you…

Encouragement For Those Who Labor
One Solitary Life He was born in an obscure village The child of a peasant woman He grew up in another obscure village Where he worked in a carpenter shop Until he was thirty when public opinion turned against him He never wrote a book He never held an office He never went to college…

How Do You Invest in Your Leadership Development?
In today’s rapidly changing world, Christian ministries need leaders who have proven expertise and certified excellence in their professional fields. But with so many options, how do you invest in your leadership development? Here is one way. Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) offers nonprofit leaders the Credentialed Christian Nonprofit Leader (CCNL) program. This learning experience is …

Faith-Based Retirement Plan Survey
Today’s Reality As Christians, we’ve surrendered our right to live for ourselves and now live for Him. How do we apply that counter-cultural attitude to retirement? Developing a faith-based retirement plan with Him in mind can change our lives. Retirement is not only a reward for past service, but a stepping-stone to future ministry. Did…

CLATV: Internet TV and Radio is Here!
Christian Leadership Alliance Announces: CLATV Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) is pleased to introduce its new multi-channel Internet TV & Radio eStation, CLATV. This new innovative learning experience has been designed to bring Christian leaders, like you, content that will educate, inform, and inspire your leadership journey. CLATV advances CLA’s mission to equip and unite leaders…

5 Keys to Hiring Wisely
By Al Lopus As a leader, I realized selecting the best people to join our team was the most important part of my job. Ultimately, it’s the people on the team that make or break our ability to meet our mission and goals. BCWI’s research has proved that it is even more important and difficult…

Should Christians Save for Retirement?
by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. This is one of those “elephant in the room” questions. Before I try to tackle it in a blog post I want to share three statements that reveal the basis for my thinking: I will approach this question from a biblical perspective. Should you grapple with my comments, please search…

How Well Are You Stewarding You? By Dr. John Franks
The Importance of Stewarding You I have been working with nonprofit ministries for 35 years. In the past 4-5 years I have done more soul searching and self-examination than the previous 30 years combined. I guess we get that way as we get older. But in addition to age I had to ask myself- am…

How the Best Christian Workplaces Engage Emerging Leaders
For the past 10 years, Al Lopus, as president and cofounder of the Best Christian Workplaces Institute (BCWI), has been conducting the Best Christian Workplaces Survey. This 58-question, broad-based human resources survey compiles data on people practices and the way they’re experienced in Christian workplaces. Lopus and his organization have surveyed over 500 different Christian…

The Power of Mirrors
By Larry Johnston He doesn’t get much press these days. Especially in nonprofit circles. Perhaps he should. His name is Charles Horton Cooley, and in 1902 he expounded what he called the “looking-glass self.” A social psychological concept of self, it says, in essence, “I am not who I think I am, nor am I who…