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Christian Leadership Alliance

Moving Mountains By Dr. Halee Scott

Amy was a vice-president for a Christian non-profit in Los Angeles. She had been with the company for several years—it was the first place she applied after college. Amy started as an administrative assistant for the president, but senior leaders quickly realized she had a knack for business and a mind for problem-solving. Amy quickly…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Perfection By Romney Ruder

Perfection. It is interesting how this word has been used over time. Commentators use the word to describe Kevin Durant’s basketball jump shot. Jewelers use the term to help drive up the price of precious gems. Even weather forecasters refer to the looming storm systems with this word. It seems that, in our world, we…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Ministry for Women in Leadership By Dr. Halee Scott

Ann initially applied as an administrative assistant at a ministry in Tennessee when her husband lost his job in the economic recession 2008. Upper management quickly saw she had an excellent mind for business, and she catapulted through the ranks in the organization, eventually becoming the company’s first female vice president. Under her leadership, her…

Christian Leadership Alliance

God's Perspective on Labor

Understanding Labor Day In celebration of Labor Day, we turn to God’s word and meditate on the scriptures that reveal God’s perspective on labor. We reflect on what the Word says about God’s character, about us, and the difference it makes when we apply His truth to our lives. Give generously to them and do so…

Christian Leadership Alliance

The Performance Management Link By Chad Carter

According to the Best Christian Workplaces Institute, many “certified best” Christian workplaces use performance management processes to help direct performance. This then elevates the level of ministry effectiveness and encourages practices that build healthy workplaces. These healthy workplaces are yet another indicator that there is a direct link between flourishing cultures and effective performance management…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Leading Gen Y and The Lessons Learned By Holly Moore

Several weeks ago, I watched our young staff at Growing Leaders — the nonprofit organization I help lead — host a significant event for educators. It was rewarding to see them embody our core values, serving with excellence. I smiled inside, reflecting on learning to lead them and modeling the way. Investing in the college…

Christian Leadership Alliance

How to Build a Learning Culture By Michelle Wilson

To build a learning culture, Focus on the Family is aware of the need to identify committed, invested individuals during the hiring process. Creating an organizational culture of lifelong learning will be impossible if team members are not committed to the mission. That is why our Recruitment Department created a list of “6 C’s” —…

Christian Leadership Alliance

GenY is Coming – Are You Ready for Us? By Jay Shere

Two friends of mine (both former classmates at Azusa Pacific University) recently sold their tech start-up for $30 million dollars. My wife and a close friend (also both APU grads) have started their own writing/editing business. A quick scan of my LinkedIn contacts reveals vice presidents, directors, and mid-level managers. Some have titles that didn’t…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Leading in the Glory-strength of God By Tami Heim

Be assured that from the first day, we heard of you; we haven’t stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. We pray you’ll live well for the Master, making him proud of…

Christian Leadership Alliance

7 Secrets to Leading the Next Generation By Dr. Tim Elmore

I just got off the phone with a business friend. He and I chuckled over an interview he’d just conducted with a recent college graduate. The candidate was a bright and overconfident female who told him in the midst of their conversation: “I’m going to have your job in 18 months.” My friend passed on…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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