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Christian Leadership Alliance

Weekend Words of Wisdom #10

 Be A Coach The success of any organization will largely depend on whether the leader has chosen the right people for the right jobs, just like a coach forming a team.  Once the right people are on the team, a coach helps them succeed by allowing them the freedom to use their gifts. Jesus is…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Weekend Words of Wisdom #8

Encourage the Heart Without encouragement and celebration, leaders would be missing the critical relationship with their followers. An encouraging word, a visit, or notes of support or recognition are all tools of a leader who desires a transformational relationship with his or her followers. Celebrations are important and an essential ingredient to organizational health. However,…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Part 2: The Path to Organizational Health By Al Lopus

As I discussed in Part I of The Path to Organizational Health, our research at Best Christian Workplaces Institute validates four steps in “The 4-D” cycle an organization can take to move towards organizational health. Those steps include: Discovery (appreciating and valuing) Dream (envisioning) Design (co-constructing the future) Destiny (learning and empowering to sustain the…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Part 1: The Path to Organizational Health By Al Lopus

Our experience at Best Christian Workplaces Institute supports there are four steps in “The 4-D” cycle an organization can take to move towards organizational health. Those steps include : Discovery (appreciating and valuing) Dream (envisioning) Design (co-constructing the future) Destiny (learning and empowering to sustain the future) These four steps reflect an approach entitled “Appreciative…

Christian Leadership Alliance

5 Strategies for Charting New Territory By Dr. Halee Gray Scott

In the 21st century, we are inclined to think that there are no unknown territories, no frontiers left uncharted. Yet, when Christian nonprofit organizations seek to equip millennial women for leadership, they embark, like Lewis and Clark, on a journey into terra incognita. The endeavor poses a double challenge because organizations are engaging a generation…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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