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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to You!

Hear the Voices of Gratitude and Thanksgiving As we gathering in a spirit of thanksgiving, we discover over and over again in God’s Word that he, alone, is worthy of our praise. Our praise, adoration, and thanksgiving brings him delight and increases our intimacy with him. In our praises and adoration, he continues to transform…

investing in the Great Commission - Image from YouVersion Daily Verse

Visionary Investing By Abel Pomar

Visionary Investing Begins with the Great Commission Most of the decisions we make throughout the day involve money or investing it on some level. How we use money bears eternal significance. Maybe that’s why God’s Word provides more guidance on how we handle our money and resources than on nearly any other topic. At least…

Money and weathering the storm!

Money Talk by Peter J. Mahler

Let’s Talk About Money and Weathering the Storm! Money has become a key topic of conversation for Christians across the country. Because the coronavirus (COVID-19) has forced many businesses to close their doors, millions of Americans are unemployed. As a result, many churches and other Christian organizations may face potentially catastrophic reductions in income, even…


Showcase Friday: Surprise and Delight Resources

SHOWCASE FRIDAY: A SURPRISE AND DELIGHT LIST OF RESOURCES Christian Leadership Alliance presents another Showcase Friday. This week we are sharing a potpourri of amazing service providers and ministries you need to know about if you are a church, Christian nonprofit or educational institute! Check out the sneak previews and visit their websites. We hope…

The danger of DEBT.

Enslaved by Debt By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

  The Real and Present Dangers of Debt We live in a time when social activists are seeking to end slavery and human trafficking around the globe, while a more nefarious foe has enslaved the peoples of the earth: DEBT (Proverbs 22:7b). Our global economy has been built on debt. For Americans, the availability of…

The Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience August 30-September 30

The Global Digital Experience Begins!

The Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience Begins Now! Today, Christian Leadership Alliance launches its first ever  Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience. We’re passionate about equipping leaders worldwide to step into this moment with God-honoring excellence. To do so we’re building on the Christian thought leadership we’ve provided here in the U.S. for nearly 45 years…

The Rich Young Ruler

The Priority of Being Rich in God By Wes Willmer and Micah Hogan

How do we give priority to being rich toward God? It’s a bit of an understatement to say that COVID-19 has called our priorities and the priority into question. People all over the world have had to re-evaluate how they can best utilize a significantly decreased arsenal of time and resources. In times like ours…

The Global Digital Experience

Equipping Global Christian Leaders By W. Scott Brown

The Call to Go Global! Today’s world, amid a challenging global pandemic and other pressing crises, is in desperate need of the love, hope and heart transformation offered by Jesus Christ. Here at Christian Leadership Alliance, we believe this is an unparalleled moment for Christian leaders to engage for eternal impact. We’re passionate about equipping…

Financial Management Showcase

Financial Management Resources Showcase

SHOWCASE FRIDAY: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT RESOURCES Financial Management Resources is the focus of today’s  Christian Leadership Alliance showcase series. Let’s take a look at this week’s best of the best list. AcctTwo Delivering the future of finance and accounting, AcctTwo is a leading consulting firm and provider of Managed Accounting Services. Our sophisticated systems solve the issues…

PPP loans still available!

Paycheck Protection Program Update

Paycheck Protection Program Loans – You can still apply! You have probably heard of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) signed into law by the President in March 2020. This program is a part of the larger Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Security Act (CARES) intended to provide economic relief to small businesses impacted by COVID-19.…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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