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The year of your personal leadership development is NOW.

Your Personal Leadership Development Roadmap

2020 is the Year for Your Personal Leadership Development As the new year approaches, it’s a perfect time for you to consider an investment in your personal leadership development. There is nothing like an intentional plan to strengthen the best that God has created in you. If you are serious about transforming your leadership in…

Text messages and fundraising, the appeal to the next generation!

Text Message Fundraising By Amy Sewell

Text messages for fundraising – what every nonprofit needs to know! Text messaging is the one method of communication out there that stands alone with a 95% open rate. As mailboxes, inboxes, and social feeds get more complex and crowded this platform brings new hope. Their unique ability to get a message right in front…

Wisdom and Online Confrontation

Wisdom for Online Confrontation By Tami Heim

What’s wisdom look like in the online confrontation? Every generation experiences debate and confrontation when it comes to unpacking the intricacies of faith. The online stream sparks all sorts of controversies and the speed of it can easily spin out of control. And sometimes, it’s downright fierce. How do you, as a Christ-follower, listen carefully,…

Get you website ready for Fall - you will be glad you did!

Get Your Website Donor-Ready By Rob Flint Jr.

It’s time to get your website donor-ready for fall! Organizations, for the most part, understand the importance and alum of a website. Most realize that their website is like the front door of a store or church. And everyone wants a website that looks good, is clean, inviting – and most important – easy to…

donate PM

Funding Your Leadership Development

Invite others to invest in your development! As a leader with a Christian nonprofit organization, yours is a unique calling that requires professional development. You need training that is both biblically consistent and practically relevant to leading with excellence in today’s world. That’s exactly why Christian Leadership Alliance is the place for a leaders like…

Outcomes Conference 2019. - THANK YOU to the wonderful sponsors and exhibitors.

Abounding in Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving for the featured sponsors and exhibitors – #Outcomes19 Christian Leadership Alliance gives thanks for the sponsors and exhibitors who supported the Outcomes Conference 2019. This post is in honor of the ministries, organizations and businesses that dedicate their time, talents and resources to strengthening those called to lead and serve in churches, nonprofit ministry…

Increase SEO Value By DJ Chuang

  Six Steps To Increase SEO Value Of Your Nonprofit Website A lot has changed for the internet and search engine optimization (SEO), but there are some tried and true ways to increase your site’s rankings and bring you the traffic you need to grow. Here are six industry-proven steps you can incorporate today. Use…

Winter Term - Outcomes Academy Online

New Year and a Better You

A New Year is the perfect time to invest in becoming a better you! A New Year represents a new beginning and a renewed commitment to becoming a better you. As a nonprofit leader, this is an excellent time to strengthen your leadership and improve  your overall effectiveness.  It has been seen through time that…

Giving Thanks for Those Who Make Us Stronger

Thanks to Those Who Make Us Stronger Through Their Service Christian Leadership Alliance gives thanks for the sponsors and exhibitors of The Outcomes Conference 2018. Today kicks off the conference and we are excited about how God will move this week. This post is in honor of the ministries, organizations and businesses that dedicate their…

Experience the IMPACT of Film

The Outcomes Conference 2018:  Experience the IMPACT of Film The theme of The Outcomes Conference 2018 is IMPACT and this annual event kicks off the week in Dallas, TX!  In celebration of this annual gathering and its theme, CLATV’s  special “After Hours” video initiative presents award-winning film collections from Illustra Media and La Mirada Films.…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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