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Stewarding our Relationships

Stewarding Your Interpersonal Relationships By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

A Call to Steward Well Your Interpersonal Relationships For me, interpersonal relationships are both rewarding and challenging, especially as a steward leader. Creating strong collaborations. Fostering trust and unity. Becoming open and inviting and curious. All of this encompasses what I understand good leadership to be. Steward Leadership These are essentials. Moving beyond good leadership…

Build a culture on trust!

Build Greater Organizational Trust – Now By Al Lopus

Trust Makes or Breaks an Organization’s Culture If you do not cultivate the kind of growing trust that produces enjoyment, unity and productivity, then your organization will slowly, steadily weaken from within. The alternative is a clear, logical path for growing a vibrant, grounded kind of organization that is now helping to transform hundreds of…

Love - no matter what.

Love No Matter What (10 Ways) By David Sanford

How do you love no matter what? Have you ever winced upon learning that a board or staff member within your ministry is struggling? Even harder, does that individual appear to doubt some of what he or she used to believe about God, the Bible, Jesus Christ, the Church, and the Christian faith? If so,…

Jesus on managing dissent.

A Biblical Perspective on Handling Dissent By Paul Swamidass

Learn from Jesus on how to handle dissent. Jesus uses the “prodigal son” parable to convey to his believers the unique qualities of God the father. Teachers and preachers have used this parable to communicate to their listeners, the unparalleled loving, merciful and gracious nature of God the Father. In the parable, the father eagerly…

Become an Ally!

Becoming An Authentic Ally By Justin Powers and Deanna Singh

Become an Authentic Ally By Becoming a Better Samaritan Is it possible to be an authentic Ally? Over the last few months, many Christ-followers have begun conversations about responding to racial injustice. Jesus told us to love our neighbors, and many in the U.S. have started showing love for their Black neighbors in amazing ways.…

Friday Showcase: Continuing education!

Christian Education and Leader Development Showcase

  Friday Showcase: Higher Education and Leadership Training The week the Alliance showcases higher education and organizations that offer academic degrees and  in-depth leadership training.  Christian Leadership Alliance exists to equip and unite leaders call to transform the world for Christ. For over 40 years, the Christian Leadership Alliance community has put its years of…

The Global Digital Experience

Equipping Global Christian Leaders By W. Scott Brown

The Call to Go Global! Today’s world, amid a challenging global pandemic and other pressing crises, is in desperate need of the love, hope and heart transformation offered by Jesus Christ. Here at Christian Leadership Alliance, we believe this is an unparalleled moment for Christian leaders to engage for eternal impact. We’re passionate about equipping…

Showcase Friday: People Management and Care

Showcase Friday: People Management & Care Resource

It’s Showcase Friday: People Management and Care Welcome to Christian Leadership Alliance’ s Showcase Friday series. We recognize in these uncertain times many leaders are identifying pain points and looking for new ways to accomplish all they have been called to do.  Sometimes new paths require new partners and resources.  For the rest of the…

The conversation we need to have at the table - together.

Can We Have The Conversation? By David Sanford

The Conversation We Need to Have – Together It’s time for us to have the conversation. It’s time for black and white to gather at the table, together.  Can we have a conversation just like Dietrich Bonhoeffer? Another Christian leader confided to me: “I almost feel powerless to do anything about racial justice…. What do…

Generations in the Workplace

Valuing Generations in the Workplace By Vicki Harris

  Do you recognize and celebrate the differences in generations? It’s been such a great learning experience for me to have led five different generations in the workplace. There definitely are some differences between the generations. The mere fact that each generation was born in a different spiritual, political, and economic climate, each with its own challenges…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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