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Know when it is time to restructure the team!

Restructure Your Development Department By John Curtiss

Know when it’s time to restructure and make changes. With almost any Christian organization, a review of structure and operations of the development function should be considered from time to time. As part of the natural growth and maturing, many organizations may find themselves facing the need to undergo a complete restructuring of their development…

Worry Less - Live More

Worry Less and Live More By Matt Fore

3 Ways to Worry Less and Live More Have you ever noticed how the phrase “Don’t worry about it,” gets thrown around like a legitimate solution to serious dilemmas? Maybe that’s just a way to change the subject and escape. “Why the long face Jim?” his friend Larry asked one day as they passed in…

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Funding Your Leadership Development

Invite others to invest in your development! As a leader with a Christian nonprofit organization, yours is a unique calling that requires professional development. You need training that is both biblically consistent and practically relevant to leading with excellence in today’s world. That’s exactly why Christian Leadership Alliance is the place for a leaders like…

Changing your self of self...are you ready?

Changing Your Sense of Self By Lane Cohee

 Are you willing to change your sense of Self? I believe true and lasting change can come only when we leaders do business with our defective sense of self. John is a project leader. He knows the importance of conveying praise to his team for jobs well done, but finds that message of praise hard…

Creating a people-first environment in a faith-based organization.

Creating a People-First Environment By Kenny Jahng

You can create a people-first environment! What if you could cultivate a people-first environment, and yet not bear the burden alone? “When it comes to organizational effectiveness, a business that works must have a people-first attitude.” W. Rusty Faulks, Samaritan’s Purse When leaders are driven to maximize stewardship of resources and meeting benchmarks, there often…

Confessions of an angry Christian leader

Confessions: An Interview with Brent C. Hofer By David Sanford

Confessions of an Angry Christian Leader Augustine’s Confessions was the very first Western autobiography. Countless others have followed. The newest is by Brent C. Hofer. Brent, what’s it about?  As Christian leaders, it’s not enough for us to manage anger. Recovery is possible. I’m living proof. Confessions of an Angry Man is my redemptive story.…

Leaders make connections!

How Leaders Make Connections By Lee Ellis

Two Foolproof Ways that Leaders Make Connections What is it like when you work with a highly competent, skilled staff member that has little ability to connect with others? In my experience it’s frustrating and mentally draining! This soft skill of connecting with others is the art of leadership. To master this art, you must…

Endure the last day of your life!

Enduring the Worst Day of Your Life By Matt Fore

How Do You Endure the Worst Day of Your Life? Why is it in life you always get in the wrong line at the department store? It was the shortest one and seemed like a good idea but, as usual, you’re behind a lady who is looking through a pocketbook/file cabinet for a two-dollar coupon. You’ll never make it on time.…

Refresh! Are you ready?

17 Ways to Hit Refresh By David Sanford

17 Ways Christian Leaders Can Hit the “Refresh” Button Every Christian leader who still wants to be in the ministry five years from now needs to take a day or two off each quarter to hit the “refresh” button. The most valuable assets we have, after all, aren’t our offices, computers, books and other tangible…

Check your beliefs before you burn out!

Your Beliefs and Burnout By Ginger Hill

  Examine Your Beliefs Before You Burnout! Whether you are a Christ-centered servant in ministry or in the marketplace, when we think of managing stress and burnout, we often envision a cup in our mind. The balance between what flows into and out of the cup plays a part in determining our overall health and well-being…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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