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Chainsaw or Scalpel? By William A Horton

Chainsaw or Scalpel? Which is the best tool for you? We all know that a chainsaw is used to cut down trees. A scalpel is a tool that a doctor uses to perform surgery. You would never imagine giving a plastic surgeon a chainsaw or a lumberjack a scalpel. Yet, we have all used the…

Generational Diverisity By Arthur L. Satterwhite III

 Tapping the Hidden Power of Generational Diversity At  The Outcomes Conference 2018 this week, Arthur Satterwhite III and Dr. Kathleen Patterson, Director of the Doctorate of Strategic Leadership Program at Regent University, are teaching a workshop called, #InnovateorDie. They are covering the current leadership issues that are challenging norms and strategies, making the usual ineffective…

How to Engage Millennials By Paul Sohn

How to Engage Milliennials This week, Paul Sohn is speaking at The Outcomes Conference 2018. This week he is helping leaders understand, “How to Engage Millennials in the Workplace.” Paul is the founder of QARA where he guides emerging adults to discover their God-given calling. Paul is a best-selling author of Quarter-Life Calling: Pursuing Your…

Giving Thanks for Those Who Make Us Stronger

Thanks to Those Who Make Us Stronger Through Their Service Christian Leadership Alliance gives thanks for the sponsors and exhibitors of The Outcomes Conference 2018. Today kicks off the conference and we are excited about how God will move this week. This post is in honor of the ministries, organizations and businesses that dedicate their…

Corporate Culture

Creating Culture By Robert McFarland

The Four Steps to Creating Culture When Joshua was leading the Israelites into the Promised Land, they were entering an area where idolatry was rampant, child sacrifice was common, and ritual prostitution was the norm of the culture. God told them not to do all the all the detestable practices of the nations they were…

Four Tenets of Active Leadership

Active Leadership By Robert McFarland

The Four Tenets of Active Leadership Leadership means influence: Leadership is the ability to influence others and affect their actions. Leadership also denotes being out in front and guiding and directing the actions of others simply by being a visible example. Leaders make an impact, whether they realize it or not, simply because they have…

Don't let the tie around your neck cause you to miss what matters most to your employees.

Top Four Employee Concerns By Robert McFarland

Do you know the top concerns of employees in your organization? At one point in my formative years as an employee, I remember being told of the dangers of wearing ties. Some well-meaning and sincere soul told me that wearing a tie would prevent blood from flowing to my brain. Perhaps that is a reason…

CLA member spotlight: Founder's Council Member - Best Christian Workplace Institute

CLA Member Spotlight: Best Christian Workplaces Institute

Christian Leadership Alliance Founder’s Council Member: Best Christian Workplaces Institute Trusted by over 900 ministry organizations, churches, and Christian-owned businesses since 2002, Best Christian Workplaces Institute (BCWI) helps its ministry clients create healthy, flourishing workplaces that lead to increased ministry effectiveness. As a result, a growing number of BCWI clients continue to live out the…

What is at the core of steward leader development? Find out!

At the Core By Howard Rich

Steward leader development is at the core of it all. At the core of a steward leader is the knowledge that everything in his care is owned by God, and merely on loan for a short time. This recognition of true ownership compels the steward to move himself out of the way and joyfully develop…

Overcoming fundraising staff challenges.

Part II: Fundraising Staff Challenges By Derric Bakker

Overcoming Fundraising Staff Challenges This is Part II in the two part series on Fundraising Staff Challenges. If you missed Part I, it covers the current realities and challenges most nonprofits experience. Today, the focus is on solutions. Here you will find five ways nonprofit organizations can effectively address the challenges they have in their…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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