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My confession

Confessions of a White Leader By Alec Hill

My Confession as a White Leader I’m a white boomer who has had the good fortune of leading two ethnically diverse teams. The first, as a regional director for World Relief, involved resettling 1,000 refugees a year. The second was as president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. During my 14 year tenure, staff of color increased…

Working women and working mothers - support them!

How to Work Well with Working Mothers By Jessica Larson

Discover How to Work Well with Working Mothers As if wage gaps and discrimination aren’t challenge enough, working women and mothers were also hit the hardest by pandemic-related employment struggles. Many working mothers cut back or quit their jobs all together to stay home with their kids while daycares and schools were closed. Now, women…

Next Level Leadership 2021

Be Equipped for Next Level Leadership By Megan Pacheco

Are you ready to achieve next level leadership? Most leaders seek to take their leadership to the next level. If you do a simple Amazon search, you’ll find over 60,000 books on leadership. Most of them give one-sided advice, and judging by the leadership results in the marketplace, they’re failing to produce good leaders. According…

What's the bottom line?

Created for Kingdom Impact By Martha Brangenberg

Here’s the Bottom Line: You Were Created for Kingdom Impact We all want to make a Kingdom impact; we all want to transform the world for Christ. And here’s the thing: God has placed you right where you are to do exactly that! iWork4Him: Change the Way You Think About Your Faith at Work is…

Staffing crisis - please join our team!

The Nonprofit Staffing Crisis By Molly Dickerson McKinley

The Staffing Crisis That’s Hitting Nonprofits A new report on America’s multi-billion-dollar nonprofit fundraising industry suggests it is on the brink of a staffing crisis that could affect millions of people. America’s 1.5 million-plus charitable organizations face a “severe shortage of qualified fundraisers” that could seriously restrict their efforts to raise critically needed funds —…

Influence of next generation leaders.

Influence and Being Known By Dr. Halee Gray Scott

The Influence of Future Generations and The Need to Be Known The influence of the Protestant church in America – even in the Southern states, the so-called Bible belt – is waning. Churches across the country are closing their doors, dying, or are being “adopted” by nearby larger churches. Parachurches, too, are struggling to ascertain…

How do you process information?

Know How You Process Information By Mark L. Vincent

Understand how you and others process information so you can live wide-awake! I’ve found it a worthwhile pursuit to learn how people process information, how they respond, and how they use or do not use that information to grow in wisdom. Learning style insights are being applied across many disciplines, and most especially among those…

Compassion is the key to thriving!

Discover What’s Key to Thriving By Christine Talbot

  Do you know what will be key to thriving in what’s coming next? Thriving in what is ahead of me is on my mind.  I’m sitting at my kitchen table working from home in month sixteen of our organization’s pandemic remote work plan. Our organization has decided to return to offices on a hybrid…

Invest in your people and your mission

Investing in Your People and Mission By Giselle Jenkins

Investing in Your People is Investing in Your Mission Every mission leader faces this moment of dread at one time or another. A team member says, “I’ve got some news to share; can we get together?” This person who you value dearly, who is committed to your cause and is a great coworker, tells you…

Employee Wellness

What To Believe About Employee Wellness By Ginger Hill

Employee Wellness:  What do you believe and what do they need? Everything we do starts with what we believe. What do you believe about the role of your organization in supporting employee health and wellness?  What do you believe about what your employees need? What do you believe? From a biblical standpoint, King Solomon gives…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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