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Balanced Communication

Communication Starts with Balance By Jonathan Helder

Successful Communications Always Begins with the Right Balance We’ve all heard these horror stories or experienced them ourselves. Nonprofits sending relentless email solicitations. Memorial gifts given online transition to an onslaught of mailers. The only mail you receive from your favorite nonprofit is solicitations. None of us want to be that nonprofit. While there is undoubtedly a…

Share the gifts of a generous God with others.

Living as Generous Stewards of God Dr. Zenet MaraMara

Understanding Our Generous God God is a generous God who freely gives abundantly and sacrificially. Romans 8:32 states, “He, who did not spare his son, but gave him up for us all—how will not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”   Understanding God’s generosity and looking to him as the ultimate model…

Capital Campaigns and Baseball - The Pitch

Capital Campaigns and Baseball by Pat McLaughlin

Capital Campaigns Are a Lot Like Baseball I’ve been a high school and college umpire for 35 years and have learned that successful capital campaigns are much like baseball. A pitcher needs to prepare and strategize before throwing the ball; your ministry needs to plan and set goals before pitching your campaign. Great pitchers deliver…

Giving and Generosity in Christian Community

Giving and Generosity in the Church By Dr. Zenet Maramara

The Church as a Community of Giving and Generosity The early church in Acts models a radical display of community, giving, and generosity. Those believers shared their possessions with needy people; some even sold properties to add to their giving. “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions…

Working as one!

Working with One Heart and Mind By Ron Haas

True Ministry Partners Know How to Work as One “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in…

A Perspective on Outcomes

The Priority of Our Outcomes By Larry Gadbaugh

The Significance of Outcomes As leaders we are judged by our outcomes. Our strategic plans, our metrics, our annual reports, all concentrate our attention on our outcomes. As people of faith, we recognize and embrace our Lord’s measurement: “By their fruits you shall know them.” ~ Matt 7:20 This is why we lead, manage, motivate,…

Gratitude for Outcomes Conference 2023

Entrusted: Giving Thanks for Those Called to Serve

Thanks to All Who Invest Their Best in Others As we conclude the Outcomes Conference 2023, we give thanks to all those who invested their best for God’s glory and the advancement of his master plan. Collaboration is a core value of the Christian Leadership Alliance and we witnessed it fully expressed through this annual…

Global Digital Expeirence

Entrusted: Convene and Equip Leaders from Every Nation

An Invitation to Convene and Equip Global Christian Leaders This week over 1,000 Christian leaders are in Chicago to convene and equip at the Outcomes Conference 2023. Not only will they sharpen and be sharpened this week, they will choose to take a stand and pay forward the professional training they are experiencing this week.…

Diversity of God's Resources

The Unexpected Diversity of God’s Resources By Shelley Cochrane

Donor Diversity in Scripture Added to the weighty responsibilities of being a ministry leader is the constant challenge of securing resources for the future. We know that God, who commands everything in heaven and on earth, is our provider. We know He resources His kingdom work according to His purposes. But how does that play…

Thank You notes matter!

The Importance of Thank You By Douglas Shaw

Rule #36: Saying Thank you to donors is necessary and profitable Saying thank you – it sounds so simple, right? There’s a great Wallace Shawn line from the classic movie, The Princess Bride, that always come to mind whenever I hear the annual poll results of donors’ top two giving complaints: (1) not being thanked…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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