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People FIRST. Always!

Cultivating a People First Attitude By W. Rusty Faulks

In Business and Life, it’s people first every time! When it comes to organizational effectiveness, a business that works must have a people-first attitude. My question is how do we value people and, by doing so, build a strong business that attracts and retains the right people? How do we create a workplace where people…

Take the Compensation Survey 2019!

Keep Pace with Your Employee’s Compensation! Christian Leadership Alliance and Compensation Resources, Inc. are pleased to open participation in the 2019 Compensation Survey Report for Christian Organizations.  This annual survey is designed to capture compensation and related data for a variety of leadership and staff positions within Christian organizations. We invite all Christian nonprofit organizations to take part in…

Outcomes Conference 2019. - THANK YOU to the wonderful sponsors and exhibitors.

Abounding in Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving for the featured sponsors and exhibitors – #Outcomes19 Christian Leadership Alliance gives thanks for the sponsors and exhibitors who supported the Outcomes Conference 2019. This post is in honor of the ministries, organizations and businesses that dedicate their time, talents and resources to strengthening those called to lead and serve in churches, nonprofit ministry…

What is Active Leadership? By Robert McFarland

How would you define “Active Leadership” ? “Active Leadership” is leadership that is fully engaged and intentional. Active Leaders think through the impact they want to have—and the thinking they need to cultivate to achieve it—and they deliberately use every opportunity they have to influence their followers to that end. They take their responsibility as…

A Biblical yardstick for slander.

A Yardstick for Slander By Paul Swamidass

The Biblical Yardstick for Slander A Biblical yardstick is needed for slander otherwise it destroys trust within organizations. It causes the members of an organization become wary of each other.  It harshly cuts down its victim. And finally, the Bible says, slander is ungodly sin, again and again. If not controlled in Christian organizations, it…

Work culture. How would you define yours?

Improve Your Work Culture By Dr. Paul White

Three Ways to Improve Your Work Culture Workplace culture has become an increasing focus in the past year (especially its negative aspects) – and rightfully so. The “culture” of our workplace has a huge impact on our daily experiences and how much we enjoy (or don’t) our work. This issue is an important one to…

Laughter heals.

Laughter Heals You By Matt Fore

Three Ways Laughter Can Help You Heal Why is laughter so important to all of us?  Well, there are exactly 9 billion medications now available over the counter according to a study I just made up in my head. So, perhaps it’s not quite that many. But it’s a lot. The subject of illness is…

Tips for effective coaching!

Effective Coaching By Heather Mausz

Tips for Effective Coaching As more organizations move away from standard performance reviews in favor of coaching programs that focus on the reward of career growth, many leaders find they need guidance on how to make a coaching program successful. Success relies on both coaches and those being coached keeping a few key things in…

Winter Term - Outcomes Academy Online

New Year and a Better You

A New Year is the perfect time to invest in becoming a better you! A New Year represents a new beginning and a renewed commitment to becoming a better you. As a nonprofit leader, this is an excellent time to strengthen your leadership and improve  your overall effectiveness.  It has been seen through time that…

Creating a Coaching Cutlure

A Coaching Culture By Heather Mausz

Instilling a Coaching Culture Many organizations have made a strategic decision to depart from the traditional employee performance review system in favor of the more growth-minded option of coaching. In coaching, an employee is paired with a senior employee who works with them on their career progression. For decades, organizations have evaluated employees based on…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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