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A Kingdom view of talent acquisition.

A Kingdom View of Talent by Dr. Rich Kidd

A Different Perspective on Talent Acquisition Somewhere in the 1990’s, businesses borrowed from the entertainment world and began calling their recruiting efforts “talent acquisition.” I don’t mind the term “talent” at all… it’s the word “acquisition” that strikes me as particularly sub-Christian. Acquiring something means you own it. That’s fine if you’re collecting fine wines,…

Perspectives on the Enneagram

A Perspective on the Enneagram By Dr. Mark L. Vincent

The Enneagram-Everywhere Effect Are you tired of the Enneagram-everywhere effect? Cynical about its relevance or accuracy? Think of it as overly complicated. Overtaking the conversations in your social circles? If so, I’m sorry, and I hope this short essay about its practical use prompts you to give it renewed consideration. I frequently use Enneagram insights…

Stewards of Our Tables

Stewards of Our Tables By Jon Lewis

Our Tables as A God-Given Resource When it comes to leadership skills and the discipline of applying wise stewarding principles to our lives, I doubt that many of us consider the importance of time spent at our dinner tables. I want to propose that as common and mundane as meals shared with family and friends…

The It Factor and Transisions

Lessons in Leadership Transition By David Zimmerman

Moving Effectively Through Leadership Transition I asked former boss if I could transition and eventually serve a publishing program in executive leadership. His response was, ” You don’t have the it factor.” A few years later, I found myself in just such a role—with no training and no warning whatsoever. My peers were suddenly my…


The Power of Examination By Zándra Bishop

Take the Time to Complete a Thoughtful Examination A comprehensive examination of the growth and development of people and the workplace can be beneficial for all parties involved. The evolution of the modern workforce and workplace demands a lot from individuals and businesses. It is important to understand the purpose of evolution and how it…

5 Lessons from being a Mentor

The Accidental Mentor By Alec Hill

Five Lessons Learned by Becoming a Mentor The path to becoming a mentor can be accidental. In 2016, I faced a challenging situation. Following a bone marrow transplant, my long-term disability benefits were running out. Given my illness, I still needed six more months of living in quasi-isolation and could not return to the job…

Dependency into Discipleship

Turn Dependency into Discipleship By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

This post offers a biblical solution to the global problem. Christians and ministries face it and even unknowingly foster it through their international giving. It’s called dependency. To gain biblical insight for addressing it, let us look at the interaction between Jesus and the disciples in the account of the feeding of the five thousand…

Equip the Next Generation

How to Invest in the Next Generation By Andrea Buczynski

Will You Intentionally Invest in the Next Generation of Leaders? Two different colleagues come to mind, neither of whom would say they develop others or intentionally influence the next generation of leaders. Colleague One One, a superior vision caster and networker, put his thoughts together on casting vision in a short video. He then created…

The Search for Talent

Challenges of Finding and Keeping Talent By Zándra Bishop

Talent Will Take You from Surviving to Serving Many mid-sized and smaller organizations are understaffed which causes them to lose good talent, decreased productivity, and lowers their ability to scale upward for mission growth. Most are not serving or advancing because of this cycle. Big businesses are suffering from this as well post-pandemic. Difficult times…

Self-care for the holidays

Plan for Holiday Self-Care By Mike Haarer

Participate in NOvember For the Holiday We all know that the holiday season can tend to be a stressful time of year if we are not intentional about managing how we spend our time and energy. The busyness of the season affects all areas of our personal and professional lives. As leaders, it is wise…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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