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A Christmas Lesson on Finding and Making Margin

A Christmas Lesson on Margin By Gary G. Hoag

A Christmas Lesson on Finding and Making Margin Every year a different word or phrase from the Christmas story jumps out to me. Perhaps this happens to you as well. This year, I can’t get these words out of my mind:“no guest room available.” There was “no guest room available” to welcome a humble pregnant…

The perception of being busy!

The Perception of Busy By Mark L. Vincent

What is Your Perception of Busy? “You are so busy!” “Thank you for taking the time because I know you are a busy person.” “I didn’t want to bother you because you are busy.” Leaders hear these expressions ad nauseam. Being told they are busy actually adds to leader busyness because they have to take…

Greater things are on the other side.

An Invitation to Greater Things By Paul Swamidass

 Jesus invites you to witness greater things. When Jesus called Nathanael, he promised him that he would see even greater things. It remains an invitation and promise he extends to each of us. Let’s go to the other side. One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side of…

The VUCA Vortex

The VUCA Vortex By Ron Frey

  Are You in the VUCA Vortex? The military defines VUCA as Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity – the environment of war. If the year of 2020 has you living in a VUCA Vortex, I have two encouraging thoughts for you: You can turn the VUCA experience into a positive force, and Don’t go it…

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to You!

Hear the Voices of Gratitude and Thanksgiving As we gathering in a spirit of thanksgiving, we discover over and over again in God’s Word that he, alone, is worthy of our praise. Our praise, adoration, and thanksgiving brings him delight and increases our intimacy with him. In our praises and adoration, he continues to transform…

Compensation for Great Talent

The Right Compensation By Bruce Dingman

The Right Compensation for Hiring the Best Talent Having a well thought through compensation plan can make a tremendous difference in staff morale, how employees think leadership values them, if they are being treated fairly, and employee engagement.  Not only is compensation important in employee retention, it also has a big effect on attracting good…

Mental and emotional health care for employees.

Special Employee Health Care By Ginger Hill

Employee Health Care for Mental and Emotional Health Struggles The rise of mental and emotional health struggles  have been well documented during this pandemic period. In fact, in my corner of the world, the county coroner recently issued a dire warning about the upcoming fall and winter season based on concerns about a 23% increase…

Gernerationally diverse teams

Our Greatest Opportunity By Dr. Arthur Satterwhite III

The Opportunity to Thrive in Adversity It is in times of dire straits that the very makeup of our communities, the design of society as interconnected networks of generationally diverse peoples, offers us the greatest opportunity to thrive amidst adversity. Stronger Together In moments of great trial, the recipe for success has always been the…

Outcomes Academy Online!

Back to School for a Leader Like YOU!

Back To School: Outcomes Academy Fall 2020 For leaders who are learners, back to school still comes, but it often looks a little different! Christian Leadership Alliance presents the Outcomes Academy on line. This 10-week dynamic experience is broken down into five sessions. Attendees find in each session a Biblical inspiration, critical reading, interactive presentations,…

The Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience August 30-September 30

The Global Digital Experience Begins!

The Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience Begins Now! Today, Christian Leadership Alliance launches its first ever  Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience. We’re passionate about equipping leaders worldwide to step into this moment with God-honoring excellence. To do so we’re building on the Christian thought leadership we’ve provided here in the U.S. for nearly 45 years…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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