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Christian Leadership Alliance

The Power of Photos By Larry Johnston

I’ve got a confession to make. I love words. And language fascinates me. That won’t come as any surprise to those who know me. It was no doubt one of the reasons I was a foreign language major as an undergrad. But as someone who has been involved in fundraising for 40 years, I know…

Christian Leadership Alliance

5 Ways to Grow Godly Givers & Giving By Brian Kluth

For a car to run well, all the pistons must be firing properly. For a church or ministry’s finances to run well, all the “generosity” pistons must be firing as the church moves forward down the road.  To develop a generosity culture, it is important to understand these five spiritual and practical pistons needed to…

Christian Leadership Alliance

What’s Driving Your Donors? By Larry Johnston

 In seminars I do at conferences, I’ll frequently ask, “What is the primary purpose of development?” Answers vary, but they cluster in several areas, like raising funds, building relationships, advancing the organization’s mission, and teaching stewardship. There’s truth in all these, but I’m doubtful about “teaching” stewardship. That’s a role of some excellent ministries, and…

Outcomes Conference 2024

Competition and Kingdom Work By Steve Cummings

There’s No Competition in God’s Kingdom Work I love radical ideas and I love living a radical life for Jesus. I live with strong convictions and a passion for seeking after God’s heart.  Even as a MGO, I am called to live radically in my kingdom position of raising resources for God’s work.  Can I…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Taking Care of Your Donors By Rick Dunham

According to a Nielsen, 92 percent of people trust recommendations from family and friends above any form of advertising. Yet when most organizations think of how to grow their support or advance their cause, the first thing they run to is marketing or some sort of public relations effort. Make no mistake, those efforts are…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Raising Up Stewards By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Most people think that the job of development professionals is to “raise money” for the ministries they serve. Others go a step further and express that they “build relationships with people” who already support or may be interested in supporting God’s work there. Both of these comments are byproducts or results that may flow from…

Christian Leadership Alliance

What We Need Every Day By Doug Thorson

As Christ followers we have been rescued from living a selfish and aimless life of sin and been reconciled to God as Father for the enjoyment of His great love and Kingdom purposes.  This rescue came through the death of Christ, on the cross, for our sins that we might no longer live for ourselves…

Show Me The Money By Mark Watson

Have you ever felt like raising support was all about the money? When my wife and I were first married we jumped right into raising our own support. And to be honest, at times, I hated it. I hated it because as we struggled to get by on what we could raise, I felt like…

Christian Leadership Alliance

9 God-honoring Principles of a Fundraising Ministry By Wesley K. Willmer

How people use their possessions is a testimony to others—a trademark that shows people who a person is and what they believe. There’s an eternal link between our possessions and soul—and we must help people realize that connection. We can embrace fundraising as a ministry only as we understand the relationship between spiritual growth and…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Can We Be Honest? By Rebecca Hays

Sometimes asking a question out loud allows us to reflect upon the answer genuinely. We’ve heard, God is our Provider.  We may even say it to others, but do we live and work like we truly believe it? How often do we pray in a board meeting and immediately turn our focus to the budget,…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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