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Summer term for Outcomes Academy Online

Summer Term at the CLA Center for Online Learning Goes Where You Go!

Summer Term Starts at Outcomes Academy Online! Christian Leadership Alliance is committed to equipping leaders. The Outcomes Academy Online offers two professionally facilitated, 10-week cohorts this summer. If you want to develop mission-critical competencies, expand leadership capacity, and align practices with biblically influenced principles, join the Outcomes Academy Online. If you are not a current…

Three priorities of a Christ-centered nonprofit

The Christ-Centered Nonprofit Board By Marilyn Sappington

Top Three Priorities of a Christ-Centered Nonprofit Board Christ-centered nonprofit organizations have a unique purpose and perspective, seeking to serve others in alignment with Christian principles. The three crucial elements for the success of a nonprofit board include the following, Mission, Vision, and Values Evangelical nonprofit boards are driven by a calling to serve Jesus…

Gratitude for Outcomes Conference 2023

Entrusted: Giving Thanks for Those Called to Serve

Thanks to All Who Invest Their Best in Others As we conclude the Outcomes Conference 2023, we give thanks to all those who invested their best for God’s glory and the advancement of his master plan. Collaboration is a core value of the Christian Leadership Alliance and we witnessed it fully expressed through this annual…

Outcomes Academy Online Spring 2023

Entrusted: To Learn and Grow Online

The Spring Term of the Outcome Academy Online Is Ready for You! The Outcomes Academy Online runs its Credentialed Christian Nonprofit Leadership (CCNL) Program courses four times a year. This spring you can choose from either a required course or an elective that will keep you on track to complete this professional credential. You’ll experience…

Fall Term 2022 - CCNL required and electives!

Credentialed Christian Nonprofit Leader – Fall Term is Almost Here!

Fall Term CCNL Courses are Ready for You! This Fall term, Christian Leadership Alliance offers 10-week courses that enable nonprofit leaders the opportunity to earn credits for the Credential Christian Nonprofit Leader (CCNL) Program. This term we offer a required course and an online elective to help you achieve the CCNL distinction. Hosted on the…


A Greater Good for Global Leaders

The Outcome Conference Global Digital Experience 2022: A Greater Good There is often a greater good that comes from some of the hardest of times. So it was for Christian Leadership Alliance in the spring of 2020. Poised to present our 2020 Outcomes Conference (prophetically themed:TRANSFORM), the country shut down and so did the possibility…


5 Ways to Thrive as a Christian Leader By W. Scott Brown

It’s Time for Christian Leaders to Thrive! Thriving Christian leaders are desperately needed in today’s world. That’s why “Thrive” is the theme of The Outcomes Conference 2021, June 15 to 17 in Orlando. Here are the top 5 ways you will thrive as Christian leader by coming to the conference this summer. 1. Collaborative Community…

WORDS that inspire us!

Discover Words That Inspire By R. Scott Rodin

Words That Inspire Leaders Writing blogs on leadership always presents the challenge of articulating new ways and words to inspire and equip leaders. These blogs are meant to share unique angles on leadership practices that can inform and encourage our readers for today’s challenges. Recently, however, I’ve found myself reflecting on words of advice from…

Stewarding what is broke.

Stewarding What’s Broke By R. Scott Rodin

Stewarding What’s Broke in Times of Chaos There is an adage that says, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” I would encourage leaders of Christian nonprofits to consider a different version of that saying, “If it’s broke, don’t fix it.” What do I mean by that? In working with a large number of nonprofits…

Outcomes Academy Online!

Back to School for a Leader Like YOU!

Back To School: Outcomes Academy Fall 2020 For leaders who are learners, back to school still comes, but it often looks a little different! Christian Leadership Alliance presents the Outcomes Academy on line. This 10-week dynamic experience is broken down into five sessions. Attendees find in each session a Biblical inspiration, critical reading, interactive presentations,…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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