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Self-care for the holidays

Plan for Holiday Self-Care By Mike Haarer

Participate in NOvember For the Holiday We all know that the holiday season can tend to be a stressful time of year if we are not intentional about managing how we spend our time and energy. The busyness of the season affects all areas of our personal and professional lives. As leaders, it is wise…

Fundamentals of the Faith

Faith Fundamentals By Jon Lewis

Stewarding Faith Fundamentals Faith fundamentals are worthy of our attention. Recently I came across the latest biannual survey results from Ligonier Ministries and Lifeway Research that measures the theological temperature of the evangelical church in the United States. Although the statistics on attitude shifts within the general U.S. adult population were predictable, the data corresponding…

What do your possessions say about you?

The Danger of Possessions By Wesley K. Willmer

 What’s your perspective on your possessions? Did you know that possessions are mentioned in Scripture three times more than love, seven times more than prayer, and eight times more than belief? Clearly, the link between stewards and their stuff is very important to God, and the manner in which the topic appears reveals that believers…

Generational perspectives of time

Different Perspectives on Time By Alec Hill

Each Generation Views Time Differently Most young adults see the future and time as having a long trajectory. Looking ahead to a seemingly endless time horizon, they prize having novel experiences, meeting new people, and learning new things. Priorities include exploration and achievement. By contrast, those of us who are older tend to live more…

The Broken Bessings.

When the Blessing Breaks By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

What happens when the blessing breaks? What happens when the blessing breaks? Broken open. Exposed. The tearing of the crust. Soft and tender bread was revealed—the promise of all we need for nourishment and healing.  We come to the table like His followers long ago, remembering His sacrifice, partaking in His promise, and receiving His…

Community 30-day Devotional

An Invitation to Community, Belonging, and Learning By Tami Heim

The Community Where a Christian Leader Like You, BELONGS! From September 1 – October 31, 2022, the Christian Leaders Alliance (CLA) is equipping and uniting Christian leaders worldwide through an online learning community experience.  It is called the Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience and the theme of this year’s experience is, “I Belong.”  If you…

Christian Leadership Alliance

New Context for Old Challenges By Jon Lewis

A Slightly Different View of New and Old I hear a lot of talk about learning how to live in the “new normal.” Many leaders accept the fact that many of the dramatic impacts on their organizations or ministries simply are not going to go away any time soon. Instead, the discussion is centered around…

Post-traumatic Growth

Understanding Post-Traumatic Growth By Alec Hill

The Beautiful Truth About Post-Traumatic Growth   There is a beautiful truth about post-traumatic growth that might be easy for many to miss. A decade after the Vietnam War, a Yale University research team interviewed American pilots who had been prisoners of war. Despite horrific conditions, 61% reported that they had actually benefited from their…

Steward Declartion

Discover If You Are a Steward Leader By R. Scott Rodin

Now There is a Way to Know And Grow as a Steward Leader Christian Leadership Alliance focuses every Wednesday on thoughtful blog posts on the life and work of the steward leader. My colleagues and I have been filling this space with our best thoughts and ideas for a good number of years now. We…

Simple, not complex.

It’s Simple, Not Complex By Dr. Bob Snyder

Resist Making It So Complex Sometimes I make following Jesus more complex than necessary.  The Apostle Peter suggested that it involves a proactive positive step and a proactive boundary-setting. “So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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