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Faith changes everything.

Faith Before Work By Dr. Rob McKenna

The Leap of Faith That Changes Us If faith is that leap to believe something we can’t prove and trust in something beyond ourselves, what are the implications for developing leaders? Our faith is the start and then the work begins. Once we understand where our faith is grounded, all of the working parts of…

Faith in Action

Faith in Action By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

The Power of Putting Faith in Action A few years ago, I was blessed by the opportunity to get to know a man of great faith, Jerry Bridges.  Jerry wrote several books for the Navigators including, The Pursuit of Holiness, which sold more than 1 million copies.  As Jerry mentored me one day over lunch,…

Find out what's holding you back!

3 Obstacles That May Be Holding You Back By Dr. Steve A. Brown

Discover How to Overcome What’s Holding You Back So, what is holding you back? Elite runners regularly ask themselves this question. They watch endless videos to catch any movement that might be slowing them down. They seek out lighter running shoes and even sleep in oxygen tents to gain a tiny edge. When I reflect…

Know the Voice you need to hear!

The Power of Voice Recognition By Dr. Bob Snyder

Learn to Recognize the Voice You Need to Hear Voice recognition amazes me. I speak and my smartphone types out my words. What a gift! I say, “Call Michelangelo’s Pizza” and the pizza man answers. How remarkable! Is it possible that technology listens better than I do? Just as technology has learned to recognize my…

Oswald Chambers and me

Revisiting Oswald Chambers By Dr. Rob McKenna

My Utmost for His Highest and Oswald Chambers In 1996 my parents, David and Janet McKenna, gave me a copy of My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. If you didn’t know this already, this powerful little devotional book is actually a compilation of many of his talks and writings over his lifetime, and…

He Shapes us in the valleys of life.

How God Shapes a Leader By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

God Shapes Us in the Valleys of Life A few years ago, I remember one particular Bible study meeting when we were discussing the valleys of life and what shapes us.  An older gentleman in his mid-eighties who rarely said anything spoke up and said that when he looked back over his life, he realized…

Humility and Leadership

Humility and Leadership By Dr. Kayon Cameron

Humility in Leadership Reflects Christ Humility and leadership are two words that are always congruent when discussed in leadership. The expectation is that a leader should be humble, but one cannot help but wonder if the expectation of humility has changed over time. Not just in the world but also in religious practices? Merriam-Webster defines humility as…

Attending to someone's story.

Attending to the Story of Others By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Living the Story that God Designs The Bible is where we find the story about God; in it, we also find ours. God included us in his story and His divine self-revelation through the Scripture gives us a deeper understanding of who we are in the light of his account. In the beginning, God created…

Words have power and inflluence

The Power of Words By Ron Henry

Words You Speak Carry Power and Influence Do we realize that the choice of words defines who we are along with our positioning in family, friends, and the workplace? Words Have Influence   Many words we use today are polarizing.  We assume that those we are in communication with have similar definitions and think like us.  …

Commitment over Indifference

Indifference or Commitment By Ed McDowell

The Invitation to Commitment  The invitation of Jesus Christ is a commitment to have relationship with Him and the Church to reach the world with the invitation to be reconciled to God and live victoriously with Him forever. This invitation to hear Jesus Christ knocking and speaking will always be accepted and responded to by…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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