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Questions to guide your new ministry plan.

3 Questions to Guide Your New Ministry Plans by Terry A. Smith

Are You Adapting Plans to Guide You in the Current Climate? What’s guiding your current plans? For countless churches and ministries, COVID-19 has created massive disruption. Unable to gather physically, we’ve moved to online connections. Churches who didn’t have a Facebook page strategy are now scrambling to broadcast Sunday worship services live; in-person Bible studies…


A Digital Experience in Such A Time as This

The Outcomes Conference Digital Experience is almost HERE!  The Outcomes Conference Digital Experience 2020  is a learning experience for such a time as this.  We know that as leaders in this unprecedented time, you are no longer managing change, but you are in the midst of leading organizational transformation. This event was designed to help you…

Why are your team members not listening to you?

Your Team Isn’t Listening to You By Pam Marmon

5 Reasons Your Team Members Aren’t Listening to Your Ideas We can learn a lot about listening from God’s Word. In the Bible parable of the sower, Jesus describes a hardworking farmer who sows seeds in the land. Some seeds fall on fertile soil, while others fall in thorny land on the side of the…

Learn how to cut through the noise an communicate!

It’s Time to Cut Through the Noise By Pam Marmon

How to Cut Through the Noise and Communicate! In today’s busy world, it can be difficult for leaders to cut through the noise and make an emotional, profound impact on an audience. People see a near-endless stream of ads, messages, and media every day, and it tends to all blend together in a blur of…

Brand  - your secret weapon!

Culture is the Secret Weapon of Brand Impact By Mark Miller

  Do you know what’s your secret brand impact weapon? First of all, brand impact is not something your organization has, it is your organization! It’s made up of tangible and visible elements: a logo, a website, print collateral. But it also involves the intangible. It’s the sum total of how others perceive you. It’s…

Strategy starts with Intentional preparation.

The Value of Intentional Preparation By Shannon Litton

  Strategy Starts with Intentional Preparation Intentional preparation is key to carving out a strategic plan to yield measurable results Once you know where you’re headed as a ministry leadership team, it is just as important to know how to get there. But, what’s next? We believe the first step is to ask the right…

The Outcomes Conference 2020

The Power of God to Transform

Seize this opportunity to allow God to transform your leadership! Christian Leadership Alliance presents The Outcomes Conference 2020 – TRANSFORM. The Scripture that inspires this year’s theme can be found in Romans 12:1-3: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing…

Website Branding!

Brand Clarity with One Website Hack By Scott Wennermark

3 Organizations Finding Brand Clarity with One Website Hack With almost 2 billion websites in existence, how can an organization’s brand and website stand out in the crowded landscape? Many organizations have solved this problem by finding a digital home in a new neighborhood. Domain names that are clear, unique and strategic, are more easily…

The year of your personal leadership development is NOW.

Your Personal Leadership Development Roadmap

2020 is the Year for Your Personal Leadership Development As the new year approaches, it’s a perfect time for you to consider an investment in your personal leadership development. There is nothing like an intentional plan to strengthen the best that God has created in you. If you are serious about transforming your leadership in…

Three Ways to becoming a hospitable communicator!

How to be a Hospitable Communicator By Terry A. Smith

3 Ways to Be a Hospitable Communicator I truly believe that, as hospitable leaders, we should view ourselves as both guests and hosts. That might seem a little confusing, so let me explain. I often take this approach when I’m speaking. As a speaker, I’m a host because I’m welcoming people into this space of…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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