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Investing our Best in Others

The Joy of Investing in Others

Investing Your Best in Others We are grateful for the Alliance blogging community that finds joy in investing its collective best in others. Thank you for subscribing to the CLA Higher Thinking Blog and your place in this community of Christian nonprofit professionals. Our desire is that you find content here that educates you on…

Christian Leadership Alliance

New Research Shows Americans Remain Generous By Derric Bakker

Don’t Panic – Americans Remain Generous! Americans have seen brighter days. The very mention of the word, RECESSION, in nonprofit circles is enough to make fundraisers run for the hills. Soaring inflation, a wobbly stock market, and — yes — signs of a recession. But now is not the time to panic. I’m happy to…

Christian Leadership Alliance

Your Most Valuable Quality During Year-End By Shelley Cochrane

Keep the Right Focus at Year-End The year-end giving season is a busy time when development staff works fast and furiously to keep donor processes running smoothly. Rightly, you concentrate on shoring up data entry processes, fixing payment processing issues, updating website pages, and making address changes. These processes are critical. What Matters Most But…

faithfully free to lead

Multiplying Faithful and Generous Stewards By Dr. Zenet Maramara

  Becoming Faithful Stewards Set Free to Lead Those of you who are faithfully engaged in professional fundraising know that this job is a never-ending cycle of acquiring, cultivating, asking, engaging, and maintaining relationships with partners and financial givers. Fundraising work never lets up. Year after year, we have targets and financial goals to achieve.…

Fickle Fundraising

Farewell to Fickle Fundraising By Ron Haas

How to Avoid Fickle Fundraising The Cambridge English Dictionary defines fickle as “likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly and without a good reason.” I wanted to visit you first to that you might benefit twice. I wanted to visit you on my way to Macedonia and to come to you from Macedonia,…

Rethink Newsletters!

Time to Rethink Your Newsletters By Amy Sewell

The Search for More Effective Newsletters Recently, we asked ourselves, “Is there a better way to do newsletters so they can have a greater impact on your donor file, while also increasing the funds they raise?“  A SIMPLE TEST Typical eNewsletters for nonprofits consist of a single email with a brief intro from the organization’s…

The Effective Newsletter

The Effective Fundraising Newsletter By Douglas K. Shaw

Your Fundraising Newsletter is Essential to Success Newsletters are essential to fundraising strategy. They offer an opportunity to close the loop with fundraising appeals by reporting back to donors on what their generosity has accomplished. But it can be easy to lose sight of the immense fundraising impact newsletters have when you start to see…

Preparing for Donor Meetings

Get Ready For Your Next Donor Meeting By Justin Streiff

5 things to know ahead of your next donor meeting! Going into a donor meeting unprepared is the surest way to secure a bad outcome. Here are some essential tips for preparing a donor meeting. Successful major gifts fundraising inevitably requires developing comfort with—or, really, a passion for—in-person meetings with your organization’s active and prospective…

Develop a persuasive case!

Develop a Persuasive Case By Ron Haas

Learn the Process of Developing a Persuasive Case “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.” ~ I Cor. 2:4-8 Have you ever agonized over finding just the right persuasive…


A Greater Good for Global Leaders

The Outcome Conference Global Digital Experience 2022: A Greater Good There is often a greater good that comes from some of the hardest of times. So it was for Christian Leadership Alliance in the spring of 2020. Poised to present our 2020 Outcomes Conference (prophetically themed:TRANSFORM), the country shut down and so did the possibility…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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