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Strong Strategies

Where Do Your Strategies Stand? By Shannon Litton

Time to Evaluate Your Core Strategies When is the last time you assessed your communication strategies? Is your audience hearing your message loud and clear, or is your story getting lost in translation?  Where does your brand stand? Do you know where you net out on the 5by5 scale of Clarity and Reach? 5by5 is…


When Your Cookie Crumbles By Amy Sewell

Love and Care of Your Cookies! Amid fundraising seasons—the last thing you probably want to hear about are major changes and cookies crumbling. However, there IS a major technical change that should be on your radar. Unfortunately, we don’t know the day this change will hit, but as of the writing of this article it…

Landing page

A Time to Learn, Connect and Grow

A Time to Be Where You Belong! Yes it is time! I Belong is the theme of The Outcomes Conference 2022.  Presented by Christian Leadership Alliance, this is the annual gathering of Christian leaders who are united in purpose and passionate about advancing kingdom outcomes. Legendary Location It’s time to plan your travel. Louisville, Kentucky…

Challenges that create Opportunitites

Challenges and Opportunities By Mark Dreistadt

CHALLENGES ALWAYS PRESENT NEW OPPORTUNITIES Highlighting challenges and opportunities, Infinity Concepts recently released a new research report: The Ripple Effect: Congregations, COVID, and the Future of Church Life. This report is the result of a research study conducted by Infinity Concepts and Grey Matter Research which included over 1000 American evangelical Protestants and examined the impact of…

What Stories are you telling?

The Stories We Tell By Mark L. Vincent

What are the stories you tell? It is true that powerful stories can reveal much about you and your organization What kind of stories are you telling?. Twenty years ago, a graduate school professor pulled me aside at a Green Lake Conference Center event. Conversations were happening in a flurry as they often do between…

Communication Mistakes!

The Biggest Communications Mistakes By Monique Maley

The Biggest Communication Mistakes I’ve Ever Seen When you send someone an email, call them on the phone, or shoot them a Slack message, do you think that you’ve just engaged in communication? If so, you’re not alone: most people consider each of those actions to be forms of communication. But in fact, they aren’t—and…

The movement of God.

The Movement of God in Leadership By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

A Reflection and Movement of God in Leadership A practice of regular reflection is essential for a good, healthy movement of leadership. Reflection can be an invitation to allow God to uncover our hidden demands. It is my intentional focus on the movement of God in my life. My practice of reflection helps me know…

Get ready to change the way you communicate!

Change the Way You Communicate By Palmer Holt

  Get ready to change the way you communicate post COVID-19! It’s not always good to communicate the word “positive” and COVID-19 in the same sentence. But as a veteran professional communicator who’s worked with Christian ministries and nonprofits for decades, I’m absolutely positive COVID-19 has created the perfect storm for faith-based nonprofits, businesses, ministries…

Breakthrough Innovation: Chosen

Thriving with Breakthrough Innovation By Edgar Sandoval Sr.

Breakthrough Innovation is Critical As Christians, we experience the ultimate breakthrough when we surrender to Jesus. We can go only so far on our own; submitting to God’s will changes everything in our lives, opening possibilities we couldn’t previously reach. We are in a moment of unprecedented change and disruption. More than ever as leaders…

Email success!

What’s the Key to Email Success By Chris Dolan

What’s Key to Increasing Email Success? Email is one of the most used modes of communication, which will only continue to grow as technology advances. It is important to factor this type of communication into your marketing strategy in order to stay relevant with your audience. Let’s examine a few email best practices to help…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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